Holiday Tip
A sure sign that the holiday season is upon us is the appearance of R.I.D.E. spot checks. If you are stopped by the police you may be asked to provide a breath sample by blowing into an approved road side screening device. The law requires you to comply with that request. If you refuse you can be charged with failing to comply. Although the police must advise you of your right to a lawyer, they do not have to wait for you to consult a lawyer before requiring you to blow.
If you fail the roadside test you will probably be taken to the police station for a breathalyzer test. It is your right to consult with a lawyer prior to submitting to the breathalyzer test. However, if you refuse to take the test you may be charged.
If you are convicted of a drinking and driving offence you will be subject to a significant fine and a one year driving prohibition. In addition you will have a criminal record. The best advice: Don’t Drink & Drive.